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Nat Harrison Career and Business Coach W

A Career with Purpose
is so important!


Dream about doing a job that is aligned to your values and interests ?

Need to feel you contribute and that you are helping others or making a difference?

Feel you took a wrong turn a while back and need to get your career back on track?

Want to change some behaviours that are hindering your professional success?

Want to hone your leadership and management skills and climb the ladder? 

Do you...

Don't wait until you are really miserable, your confidence gets knocked or you want to resign!

I came to Nat with a whirring brain with lots of possibilities but

no real sense of where I wanted to go. She helped me to gain clarity and

find purpose in one session and then spent her energy helping me to

see myself, my achievements, and my future in a more positive light.

Result: I am still no longer feeling lost and overwhelmed!

And most importantly I know I will achieve it!



Would you benefit from
a bespoke approach
where you are in control and
all your sessions are tailored
to you and your current needs?

London Career Coaching Office


(click on the one the best describes you)

wanting to change your job?
looking for a change of career?

hoping to get back to work after a break?

looking to increase your confidence?

wanting to improve your performance?

ready to take on more and get promoted?

You are in the right place!

Is your current job making you unhappy?

Do you dream of working somewhere 
where you flourish?

ADHD Coaching
Have you been in the wrong job or made redundant and want to make sure your next move is the right one?

Are you lacking in confidence? - maybe you have been unsupported in the work environment, or you got a new boss with a different style and you lost your sponsor?

Do you need to leave your current company because you are in a toxic work environment, or maybe workplace bullying is occurring?

Unsure what to do next?

Get clarity on your future career path and learn how to position yourself with exercises that will help you understand your values system, strengths and personal motivations

Create your personalised job hunt strategy and plan based on your previous employers, job history and your desired outcome. 

Review of your CV and LinkedIn profile so you look great on paper, and they shout about your strengths and achievements

Gain confidence, calmness and feel ready for your interviews through interview preparation coaching and psychological support strategies

Receive support and a cheerleader throughout application, interviews, negotiation and the hiring process.

* for the best result a minimum of 3 coaching sessions recommended

Every client receives an annual
complimentary career-satisfaction review

Nat has a positive attitude to the career-building process, and that definitely rubs off. The focus on my achievements and strengths improved my confidence after months of difficulties finding a new job.



Would you like a complete change
in your lifestyle or are you ready to
move onto the next phase in your career?

Career Return Coaching
Do you feel you need to give back or contribute more but your current career doesn't
give you much opportunity?
Do you feel like you've never really been
in the right job or industry?
Are you on maternity leave and ready to make some decisions about how work fits around your family?
Have you disliked your job for a while and now feel you need a complete change?

Stuck and unsure what to do next?

Get clarity on your future career path and learn how to position yourself, with exercises that will help you understand your values system, strengths and personal motivations

Create your personalised job hunt strategy and plan based on your previous employers, job history and your desired future

CV review and Linked In tips so your profile looks great, sells you and shouts about your strengths and achievements

Gain confidence, calmness and feel ready for your interviews through interview preparation coaching and psychological support

Receive support throughout the interviews and hiring process

* for the best result a minimum of 3 coaching sessions recommended

Every client receives an annual
complimentary career-satisfaction review

Wanting to improve your confidence,

step up to the next  level and have

a flourishing and enjoyable career path?

Career Progression Coaching
Do you feel ambitious and excited about the next step but something is holding you back?
Would you like support to help you achieve a promotion or manage your annual evaluation process ?
Would you like to get clarity on where you are heading so you can make a strategic move?

Ready to accelerate your career and take full responsibility for your professional development?

Get clarity on your future career path and learn how to position yourself for promotion to the top

Receive personalised support as you take on new challenges, responsibilities and teams

Have a regular sounding board to help you make strategic plans and help you manage conflict and different personalities

Gain in confidence and gravitas and overcome any feelings of

imposter syndrome

Identify and change behaviours that undermine your professional profile

* for the best result a minimum of 3 coaching sessions recommended

Every client receives an annual
complimentary career-satisfaction review
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